Hi, I'm Martin
I've been coding and helping others to code for a while. Blog posts are just below, info about my experience is here. More about me on the about page.
I've been working as a freelance for a few years now. I tend to prefer missions in small companies or teams with a lot of autonomy. Nowadays I only work for companies with positive social impact - a subjective measure that generally means active in climate, health, education or similar sectors.
My collaborations can differ widely - from a couple of emails to help a first time founder with their technical challenges to leading a technical team for several years.
If you recognize yourself in the description above and want to work together, just send me an email.
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Recent Posts
Custom Training Offer
Having secured a small teaching position at the HE Vinci, I'm restarting my custom training offer. Here is a quick summary of what I can do to help upskill your team. For who ? This is mainly an offer...
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Trunk Based Development
Warning and introduction This post is a tad more technical than my usual ones. In the end, it's still about processes and even if you read this as a business person, understanding how development and...
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Why I hire Full Stack Developers and why you should too
What? I hear and read a lot about development teams efficiency - while I'm no specialist of the Theory Of Constraints, I've come to see most productivity issues as organizational in nature - much...
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You are in charge of your career
That may not be my most positive post of the year, but as far as advice go, especially toward (new) developers, this one is probably the most important: you are in charge of your career. You should...
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The One Day Work Week
One Day Work Week I'll not be talking about this idea of being able to only work a single day in the week - if you can, great for you, but I'm not there (yet?). The One Day Week I refer to is a...
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Managing people I understand
Managing people I understand Content warning: this may be (even) more philosophical than usual. What triggered those ramblings is me sharing something I often say "I cannot imagine managing a...
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Hiring strategies
Part of my octopus job is often to run a team - which sometimes means creating it, and so be in charge of hiring. While I'm no hiring specialist, I did hire around 20 developers during my career...
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2023 in review
2023 Well, that was a fun year again - and now that I look back, quite a busy one. Missions I spent more than 90% of my time at my two main customers - Beeodiversity & Farm For Good, but I'm happy...
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Short Stints
I used to be wary about "short stints" - staying less than two years at a company as an employee. I remember saying I needed three years to get at full capacity. It was not much about the...
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Seniority Reloaded
I'm by all possible measures a "Senior Developer" - at 46 years and 20+ in tech, I guess I've been one for a while. To be honest, in an industry that "seniorize" people after 5...
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